
14 February 2022
Индуктивни сензори Hygienic от Baumer

Сертифицираните индуктивни сензори Hygienic на Baumer отговарят на най-високите изисквания за хранително-вкусовата и фармацевтичната индустрии. Защитата IP 69K и системата ProTect+, осигурява тяхната дълготрайна надеждност и функционалност. Сензорите са проектирани с корпус от неръждаема стомана - на базата на EHEDG. Индуктивните сензори Hygienic намират особено широко приложение при обработка, съхранение, опаковане и контрол на качеството на хранителни и фармацевтични продукти.

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14 February 2022
Пружинни джойстици NK и RK от Schmersal grou

Пружинни джойстици NK и RK от Schmersal group Сериите пружинни джойстици NK и RK на Schmersal се отличават с голяма гъвкавост на приложението. Докато джойстиците RK са специално проектирани за употреба на открито, то NK предлагат хигиеничен дизайн и са идеални за употреба в хранително-вкусовата промишленост. Джойстиците на Schmersal RK/NK са продукт на месец февруари 2022 г.

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1 February 2021
Innovative safety solutions by Schmersal Group

Motivated by the vision of a safe working environment, the development engineers of the Schmersal group are continuously producing new devices and systems for all sorts of application situations.

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22 January 2021
Safety equipment by Schmersal Group

Безопасност на работното пространство

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20 January 2021
Reliable components for the pharmaceutical industry

Safety through 100% quality control and product tracking

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20 January 2021
Mobile Automation

Robust sensors for mobile automation and heavy duty vehicles

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20 January 2021
Encoder solutions for the steel and metal industry

Tough where it´s rough - precise in performance

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20 January 2021
Sensor solutions for the packaging industry

Industry guide for fillers and dispensers

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20 January 2021
Sensor solutions in feeder technology

Maximum system availability with application stability and flexible sensor solutions

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20 January 2021
Smart sensor solutions for efficient 2D/3D parts inspection

Simple quality inspection by Baumer Group

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3 September 2020
Individual projects by STRATONS Ltd.

Safety solutions for the machine and the operator as well

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3 September 2020
Individual projects by STRATONS Ltd.

Safety modular guards for indoor assembly

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3 September 2020
Safety modular guards by STRATONS Ltd.

Robots in furniture manufacturing industry

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3 September 2020
Individual projects by STRATONS Ltd.

Safety in working environment

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2 September 2020
Campaign Inductive sensors by STRATONS Ltd.

STRATONS Ltd. - your reliable partner in industry solutions

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31 August 2020
Ново в продуктовия каталог на СТРАТОНС ЕООД

Процес за безопасност при поддръжка на производственото оборудване

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10 April 2020
EX/ATEX Safety equipment

Many industrial sectors apply explosion protection requirements. Schmersal has created a wide product range of EX protection components that have been tested and certified in accordance with the ATEX and IECEx Directives. Schmersal pays special attention to these components, as a result they have created a separate center for their development, which in the last few decades has gathered valuable experience in their improvement.

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10 April 2020

Фирма Стратонс уведомява своите клиенти и партньори за следните промени в организацията на дейността си: "Всички служители на компанията са на разположение от 09:00 до 17:00 ч. на фирмените имейли и телефони. Заводите Baumer и Schmersal продължават да поддържат цялостното си производство към момента, доставките са в срок. Монтажните дейности са прекратени до края на извънредното положение."

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21 October 2019
Schmersal safety equipment

STRATONS Ltd. is the official representative of Schmersal Group for Bulgaria. The efforts of the Schmersal group have for many years been directed to producing products for safety at the workplace. From the most varied mechanical and electrosensitive switching devices, the largest range in the world of safety switching devices and safety switching systems for the protection of man and machine has come into being. Schmersal`s portfolio is available HERE.

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21 October 2019
Baumer sensor technology

An international family-owned business with a passion for sensor technology, encoders, measuring instruments and components for automated image processing.

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21 October 2019

STRATONS Ltd. is the official representative of BAUMER and SCHMERSAL for Bulgaria. As an exclusive representative, we offer solutions for every industry. For more information don`t hesitate to contact us:

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